Author Topic: News/Info NG by respecT.Xd  (Read 51 times)


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News/Info NG by respecT.Xd
« on: January 13, 2012, 06:08:57 pm »
Comenzi National Guard

Rank 1

/r <text> - Vorbesti cu colegii tai pe radio.
/d <text> - Vorbesti cu cei din PD/FBI/NG/Paramedics.
/tazer - Imobilizeaza un player aflat cel mai aproape de tine.
/su <id> <fapta comisa> de x ori - Da wanted la o anumita persoana, x = wanted-ul din wanted list.
/wanted - Arata toti suspectii si wanted-ul care il au.
/m <text> - Transmiti un anumit mesaj pe o raza mai mare ( trebuie sa fii in masina de cop ).
/cuff <id> - Legi cu catuse pe cineva din masina ( trebuie sa fii soferul )
/clear <id> - Scoti wantedul unui suspect in caz ca ai gresit cand i-ai dat wanted.
/frisk <id> - Vedeti ce poarta jucatorul specificat.
/punish <nume> <timp> - Blochezi un jucator aflat in jail cate secunde vrei (Pt JailFight)
/ram - Forteaza usa casei incaz daca este incuiata si o deschide.
/arrest <pret> <timp> 0 0 - Aresteaza un jucator, daca se preda. Pret= wantedul care il are inmultit cu 2000. Timp= wantedul care il are inmultit cu 2.5 (rotunjit prin lipsa).
/camera <numer> - In area 51 este un panou, in care scrii /camera si iti arata diferite locuri din Area 51.
/deliver <id> - Duci suspectul in Arena51.
/take <object> <id> - Confiscati obiectele jucatorului specificat. Object poate fi:drivinglicense, flyinglicense, boatlicense, weaponlicense, materialslicense, weapons, drugs, materials.
/mdc (id)= Verifici infractiunile unei persoane

Rank 5 - Major

/gov <text> - Afiseaza un ANUNT Global. Se dau anunturi importante !

National Guard NU are voie sa foloseasca urmatoarele comenzi:

? /ticket
? /take (exceptie jail, le puteti confisca armele)
? /frisk

Rank up:

Rank up puteti primi daca:
? sunteti cinstit;
? lucrati in echipa;
? sunteti destul de activ;
? nu injurati/amenintati/jigniti;
? nu luati pe nimeni la misto;
? nu aveti reclamatii serioase.

Sedinta saptamanala:

Sedinta in fiecare Sambata la ora 1400 (in vacanta de vara sedinta se va tine o data la doua saptamani) :
? la sedinta se va vorbi despre ce este mai important;
? vor fi inaintati in grad cei care merita;
? veti primi salariile saptamanale;
? in cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, va rog sa faceti o cerere de invoire pentru sedinta.

Daca lipsiti la 3 sedinte consecutive fara sa anuntati liderul veti fi demis din National Guard !

Antrenamentele saptamanale:

Antrenamentele generale se tin in fiecare Miercuri si Sambata la ora 2030:
? antrenamente in echipa;
? dueluri deagle, mp5, m4;
? alte exercitii.

Antrenamentele rank 3+ se tin in fiecare Vineri la ora 2000:
? dueluri Hunter/Hydra;
? alte exercitii.

Daca lipsiti la antrenamente fara sa aveti cerere de invoire veti lua FW (1 antrenament = 1 FW) !


National Guard Orders

Rank 1

/ r <text> - Talk to colleagues on the radio.
/ d <text> - Talk to the PD / FBI / NG / Paramedics.
/ tazer - Immobilizes the player closest to you.
/ su <id> <crime> x times - Gives wanted a certain person, x = wanted from the wanted list.
/ wanted - Show all the suspects and wanted they have.
/ m <text> - Send a message to a larger radius (must be in the cop car).
/ cuff <id> - Put handcuffs on someone in the car (you must be the driver).
/ clear <id> - Clears the suspect?s wanted in the case of mistakes when you gave wanted.
/ frisk <id> - See items of the specified player.
/ punish <name> <timp> - block a player in jail how many seconds you want (For JailFight)
/ ram - Force house?s looked door and opens it.
/ arrest <price> <time> 0 0 - player arrests, if surrender. Price = wanted you is multiplied by 2000. Time = wanted you have multiplied by 2.5 (rounded by the lack of).
/ room <number> - In Area 51 is a panel that reads / room and shows you different parts of Area 51.
/ deliver <id> - Dukes suspect in Arena51.
/ take <object> <id> - confiscated objects specified player. Object can be: drivinglicense, flyinglicense, boatlicense, weaponlicense, materialslicense, weapons, drugs, materials.
/ mdc (id) = To check a person?s crime.

Rank 5 - Major

/ gov <text> - Display a Global NOTICE. Give Announcements!

National Guard is not allowed to use these commands:

? / ticket
? / take (except jail, you can confiscate weapons)
? / frisk

Rank up:

Rank up you receive if:
? are honest;
? teamwork;
? you are very active;
? do not swear / threaten / offend;
? do not take anyone to 'cool';
? have no serious complaints.

Weekly meeting:

Meeting every Saturday at 1400 (during the summer session will be held every two weeks):
? the meeting will talk about what is important;
? the degree will be submitted in worth;
? you will receive weekly wages;
? if you can not come, please make a request commanded the meeting.

If you missed three consecutive meetings without noticing the leader you will be dismissed of the National Guard!

Weekly training:

General information related to training every Wednesday and Saturday at 2030:
? team training;
? duels deagle, MP5, M4;
? other exercises.

Training rank 3 + are held every Friday at 2000:
? duels Hunter / Hydra;
? other exercises.

If you missed workouts without request commanded you make FW (1 training = 1 FW)!
:)        :)

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